Chinese Painting

Chinese painting, known as "国画" (guó huà) in Chinese, is a traditional form of visual art that has evolved over thousands of years. It is characterised by the use of brush and ink on paper or silk, and it often incorporates traditional themes such as landscapes, flowers, birds and figures.

The Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg is starting its Chinese Painting courses from Tuesday 4 March 2025.

Registration Terms

Conditions d'inscription

TuesdayBelval11:30 – 13:00FULL

How can I register?

Contact the Confucius Institute by phone (+352) 46 66 44 4964 or by email
We will be delighted to give you all the information you need to register.


- Free for students and employees of the University of Luxembourg (including the materials loaned by the Confucius Institute).

- €135 for anyone who does not belong to one of the above categories (including the materials loaned by the Confucius Institute).

The courses last for 10 weeks.

Sign up now! Each class is limited to 10 learners.

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