HSK: Chinese Proficiency Test

The Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg is the only HSK exam centre in Luxembourg and is pleased to inform you that its next session of HSK levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and HSKK primary, intermediate and advanced  levels will be held on Saturday 27 April 2024.  The exams will take place on Belval Campus (University of Luxembourg).

Registration deadline: 27 March 2024.

Exam times and prices:
- HSK level 1: 2024/04/27 - 13:30 (length 40 mins) €20
- HSK level 2: 2024/04/27 - 9:00 (length 55 mins) €25
HSK level 3: 2024/04/27 - 13:30 (length 90 mins) €35
HSK level 4: 2024/04/27 - 9:00 (length 100 mins) €40
HSK level 5: 2024/04/27 - 13:30 (length 125 mins) €50
- HSK level 6: 2024/04/27 - 9:00 (length 140 mins) €55

- HSKK  primary level: 2024/04/27 - 16:30 (length 20 mins) €20
- HSKK intermediate level: 2024/04/27 - 16:30 (length 23 mins) €30
- HSKK advanced level: 2024/04/27 - 16:30 (length 25 mins) €40


What is the HSK?

The HSK, or Chinese Proficiency Test, is the standardised test of Chinese language proficiency. It was designed under the aegis of the Chinese Ministry of Education and includes a written and oral part, each comprising several levels. The HSK was inspired by the English TOEFL exam, with the similar aim of creating an international standard for Chinese language proficiency.

HSK 1€2040 minutes
HSK 2€2555 minutes
HSK 3€3590 minutes
HSK 4€40100 minutes
HSK 5€50125 minutes
HSK 6€55140 minutes

What is the HSKK?

HSK Speaking Test (HSKK) assesses the test takers’ oral Chinese abilities. HSKK consists of three levels, HSKK (Primary level), HSKK (Intermediate level) and HSKK (Advanced level). HSKK is conducted in the form of audio recording. The different levels of HSKK correspond to some of the levels in the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales For Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS), and its correspondence to HSK are showed as follows:

HSKK Primary Level€2020 minutesHSK 1Level 1
HSK 2Level 2
HSKK Intermediate Level€3523 minutesHSK 3Level 3
HSK 4Level 4
HSKK Advanced Level€5025 minutesHSK 5Level 5

What is the YCT?

Youth Chinese Test (YCT), an international standardised test of Chinese language proficiency, assesses the primary and middle school students' abilities to use Chinese as second language in their daily and academic lives. YCT is divided into writing and speaking tests, which are independent to each other. The writing test consists of four levels, namely, YCT (level I), YCT (level II), YCT (level III), and YCT (level IV). The speaking test consists of two levels, YCT Speaking (Primary Level) and YCT Speaking (Intermediate Level).

YCT 1€1535 minutes
YCT 2€2050 minutes
YCT 3€3060 minutes
YCT 4€3585 minutes
YCT speaking test - Primary level€1519 minutes
YCT speaking test - Intermediate level€3021 minutes

 Why take the test?

- It enables you to study abroad: the Chinese Ministry of Education requires foreign students to obtain HSK level 4 with a minimum score of 210, and 60 points in the intermediate level HSKK (speaking test), to be eligible for a grant and be able to sign up for a degree course at a Chinese university.

- It gives you the opportunity to enjoy an extended stay in China: anyone interested in applying for a grant or taking part in a summer camp must have passed the HSK.

- It is a valuable skill on a competitive employment market: the HSK can boost the profile of anyone looking to work in an international environment.

- It is a standardised exam to measure your Chinese language capabilities as you develop your knowledge.


You should use the following website to register: http://www.chinesetest.cn/index.do

1. On the home page, choose your preferred language, then click on “New User” to create an account, which will also be valid for any future sessions you would like to register for. If you have already created an account for a previous session, it will still be valid this year.

2. Fill in the form.

3. You have successfully created your account. You can now register for the exam by clicking on “Register now”.

4. Click on the level that you wish to take (level 1 to 6).

5. Fill in the registration form. Choose “Europe”, “Luxembourg” and “Confucius Institute at the University of Luxembourg”.

6. Complete the next part of the form.

7. Now upload your ID photo by clicking on “Select photo” (1), then click on “Cutting” (2) to adjust the size, then “Complete” (3) to confirm.

8. You have completed your registration.

Payment procedure:

Candidates’ registration will be confirmed by the Confucius Institute when the full online registration process (including ID photo) has been completed and payment has been received by bank transfer to the University of Luxembourg bank account, with the message “E-AGR-2015-10-K + last name + first name + HSK level”:

Nom du bénéficiaire:Université du Luxembourg
Adresse du bénéficiaire:Maison du Savoir / Service Finance & Comptabilité2 avenue de l’Université, L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Nom de la banque:Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’Etat
Adresse de la banque:33, Allée Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg
IBAN:LU28 0019 5055 4025 9000

After 27 March 2024, no refunds will be made to candidates in the event of cancellation or absence on the day of the exam.

To find out more and practise for the exam: http://www.chinesetest.cn/gosimexam.do

For more information about this HSK session, contact the Confucius Institute at 00352 4666444964 or by email.

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