Tough Out

Tough Out

Published in:13 05 2024

The Confucius Institute is organising its monthly Chinese Cinema Cycle in partnership with the Cercle Cité. This is a unique opportunity to discover Chinese films and documentaries (with English and/or French subtitles). The Confucius Institute worked with the Allers-Retours Association to select the films. Come along on Monday 13 May 2024 from 17:30 (start at 18:00) for the screening of the film “Tough Out” (English subtitles).
Venue: Cercle Cité, 2 rue Genistre, Luxembourg City (Henri Beck auditorium – 5th floor)
Free and open to all, registration required: or (+352) 4666444964

L’Institut Confucius organise, en partenariat avec le Cercle Cité, son Cycle Cinéma Chinois mensuel. Une occasion unique de découvrir des films et documentaires chinois (sous-titres en anglais et/ou français). Pour la sélection des films, l’Institut Confucius a travaillé avec l’association Allers-Retours. Rendez-vous le lundi 13 mai 2024 à partir de 17h30 (début de la séance à 18h) pour la projection du film “Tough Out” (sous-titres en anglais).
Lieu : Cercle Cité, 2 rue Genistre, Luxembourg Ville (auditorium Henri Beck – 5ème étage)
Gratuit et ouvert à tous, inscription obligatoire : ou (+352) 4666444964

Tough Out 棒! 少年
Film de Xu Huijing 许慧晶
2020 | China | 110min | Documentary

In the suburbs of Beijing, a group of troubled teenagers learn to play baseball with a famous baseball coach, while struggling through their internal conflicts and the inability to play baseball games like professionals. When an accident took place in the winter of 2017, countless local residents got evacuated in Beijing, the baseball team, as well as their playfield were facing the unexpected obstacle — the relocation of their headquarter. With the World Series of the Little Pony League waiting around the corner, the whole team will have to pull themselves together and face the competition on the international stage.

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